❯ لغات البرمجة:
❯ C ➟ Jacob Sorber
❯ C++ ➟ TheCherno
❯ Python ➟ Corey Schafer
❯ JavaScript ➟ developedbyed
❯ Java ➟ Telusko
❯ Golang ➟ Jon Calhoun
❯ Rust ➟ NoBoilerplate
❯ C# ➟ kudvenkat
❯ PHP ➟ ProgramWithGio
❯ Ruby ➟ DriftingRuby
❯ SQL ➟ Joey Blue
❯ Lua ➟ Steve’s Teacher
❯ Scala ➟ DevInsideYou
❯ Julia ➟ TheJuliaLanguage
❯ MATLAB ➟ Joseph Delgadillo
❯ R ➟ marinstatlectures
❯ هياكل البيانات والخوارزميات:
❯ Abdul Bari
❯ take U forward
❯ Aryan Mittal
❯ NeetCode
❯ Kunal Kushwaha
❯ mycodeschool
❯ Jenny’s Lectures CS IT
❯ codestorywithMIK
❯ CodeWithHarry
❯ CodeHelp - by Babbar
❯ تطوير الويب (Full Stack):
❯ HTML ➟ SuperSimpleDev
❯ CSS ➟ Kevin Powell
❯ Node.js ➟ codevolution
❯ Express.js ➟ Anson the Developer
❯ TypeScript ➟ basarat
❯ React ➟ Dave Gray
❯ Next.js ➟ Lama Dev
❯ Vue.js ➟ Vue Mastery
❯ Angular ➟ Angular University
❯ Svelte ➟ Joy of Code
❯ Spring ➟ SpringSourceDev
❯ SpringBoot ➟ amigoscode
❯ Django ➟ CodingEntrepreneurs
❯ Laravel ➟ LaravelDaily
❯ Blazor ➟ James Montemagno
❯ Ruby on Rails ➟ Gorails TV
❯ قنوات تطوير ويب :
❯ Traversy Media
❯ NetNinja
❯ Dave Gray
❯ مشاريع:
❯ WebDevSimplified
❯ تصميم واجهات المستخدم:
❯ developedbyed
❯ DesignCourse
❯ DevOps
❯الحوسبة السحابية:
❯ Git ➟ The Modern Coder
❯ Linux ➟ Learn Linux TV
❯ DevOps ➟ DevOpsToolkit
❯ CI/CD ➟ TechWorld with Nana
❯ Docker ➟ Bret Fisher
❯ Kubernetes ➟ Kubesimplify
❯ Microservices ➟ freeCodeCamp
❯ Selenium ➟ edureka!
❯ Playwright ➟ Jaydeep Karale
❯ AWS ➟ amazonwebservices
❯ Azure ➟ Adam Marczak
❯ GCP ➟ edureka!
❯ Serverless ➟ Serverless
❯ Jenkins ➟ DevOps Journey
❯ Puppet ➟ simplilearn
❯ Chef ➟ simplilearn
❯ Ansible ➟ Learn Linux TV
❯ علم البيانات وتحليلها:
❯ الرياضيات:
❯ 3Blue1Brown
❯ ProfRobBob
❯ Ghrist Math
❯ الذكاء الاصطناعي والتعلم الآلي:
❯ Andrew Ng (via Stanford Online)
❯ MIT OpenCourseWare
❯ sentdex
❯ Krish Naik
❯ StatQuest
❯ CampusX
❯ Excel ➟ ExcelIsFun
❯ Tableau ➟ Tableau Tim
❯ PowerBI ➟ Guy in a Cube
❯ قنوات تعليم مجاني وقنوات قيمة:
❯ تعليم مجاني:
❯ freeCodeCamp
❯ Simplilearn
❯ edureka!
❯ قنوات قيمة:
❯ NetNinja
❯ ProgrammingWithMosh
❯ Traversy Media
❯ BroCode
❯ Codevolution
❯ TechWithTim
❯ thenewboston
❯ Telusko
❯ Derek Banas
❯ CodeWithHarry
❯ MySirG .com
❯ Leila Gharani
❯ TechWorld with Nana
❯ Hitesh Choudhary